PowerShell and GTK-Server
Another little five-finger exercise, porting the example VBScript stdin driver to PowerShell. The only annoying thing is that the Start-Process
cmdlet doesn't give you direct access to the streams, so we have to drop into .net to fire up the GTK server process.
<# | |
demo to use the GTK-server using STDIN. | |
This script is based on the VBScript example by | |
Peter van Eerten published at http://www.gtk-server.org/demo-stdin.vbs.txt | |
.NOTES | |
File Name : Try-GTKServer.ps1 | |
Requires : PowerShell Version 1.0 | |
Show this help text. | |
#> | |
param ( | |
[switch] $Help) | |
if ($help) | |
{ | |
Get-Help $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition | |
return | |
} | |
# hard-coded rather than passed in as a parameter | |
# I'm feeling lazy tonight... | |
$gtkpath = "path\to\gtk-server.exe" | |
## As we want to get at the process stdin, stdout we can't use the Start-Process cmdlet | |
## $gtkserver = Start-Process -FilePath $gtkpath -ArgumentList "-stdin" -PassThru | |
## which only allows file I/O | |
$gtkinfo = new-object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo @($gtkpath, "-stdin") | |
$gtkinfo.UseShellExecute = $false | |
$gtkinfo.RedirectStandardInput = $true | |
$gtkinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true | |
$gtkinfo.WindowStyle = [System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle]::Hidden | |
$gtkserver = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::start($gtkinfo) | |
Function Invoke-GTK | |
{ | |
Param([string] $command) | |
$gtkserver.StandardInput.WriteLine($command) | |
$line = $gtkserver.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | |
if ($line -cne "ok") { $line } | |
} | |
#Define GUI | |
Invoke-GTK("gtk_init NULL NULL") | |
$win = Invoke-GTK("gtk_window_new 0") | |
Invoke-GTK("gtk_window_set_title $win `"PowerShell Script demo program using STDIN`"") | |
Invoke-GTK("gtk_widget_set_usize $win 450 400") | |
$table = Invoke-GTK("gtk_table_new 50 50 1") | |
Invoke-GTK("gtk_container_add $win $table" ) | |
$button = Invoke-GTK("gtk_button_new_with_label Exit") | |
Invoke-GTK("gtk_table_attach_defaults $table $button 41 49 45 49") | |
$entry = Invoke-GTK("gtk_entry_new") | |
Invoke-GTK("gtk_table_attach_defaults $table $entry 1 40 45 49") | |
$text = Invoke-GTK("gtk_text_new NULL NULL") | |
Invoke-GTK("gtk_table_attach_defaults $table $text 1 49 8 44") | |
$radio1 = Invoke-GTK("gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget NULL Yes") | |
Invoke-GTK("gtk_table_attach_defaults $table $radio1 1 10 1 4") | |
$radio2 = Invoke-GTK("gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget $radio1 No") | |
Invoke-GTK("gtk_table_attach_defaults $table $radio2 1 10 4 7") | |
Invoke-GTK("gtk_widget_show_all $win" ) | |
Invoke-GTK("gtk_widget_grab_focus $entry" ) | |
# message/event loop | |
do { | |
$event = Invoke-GTK("gtk_server_callback wait") | |
if ($event -ceq $entry) { | |
$tmp = Invoke-GTK("gtk_entry_get_text $entry" ) | |
if($tmp.Length -gt 1) { | |
Invoke-GTK("gtk_text_insert $text NULL NULL NULL `"$tmp`n`" -1") | |
} | |
# Empty entry field | |
Invoke-GTK("gtk_editable_delete_text $entry 0 -1") | |
} | |
} while ($event -cne $button) | |
Invoke-GTK("gtk_server_exit") |