Wednesday, November 08, 2023

F# and OpenSilver v2.0 (Continued)

An update to the previous series of posts.

Building while NuGetting

While I stand by my assertion that the previous post showed the simplest way to build (by not using NuGet to get the package, but referencing the key assembly the old-fashioned way) here is how to build with OpenSilver 2.0.1 as a NuGet reference. First, add properties


then if there isn't already a $(ProjectName).OpenSilver.XamlDesigner.fs file in the root of the project (generated there by the OpenSilver compiler taking some untested path before it was switched off), it should look like this:

// <auto-generated>
//     Generated by the FSharp WriteCodeFragment class.
// </auto-generated>
namespace FSharp

open System
open System.Reflection

[<assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("XamlDesignerBackground")>]

added with Compile Action of None, and then see it's copied into the appropriate place by

  <Target Name="FixUp" BeforeTargets="BeforeCompile;CoreCompile">
        <MisgeneratedFiles Include="$(ProjectName).AssemblyInfo.OpenSilver.XamlDesigner.fs"/>
    <Copy SourceFiles="@(MisgeneratedFiles)"

Publishing less

In the browser project, rather than enabling AOT, which saves time, and not space, have properties

    <!-- Uncomment to enable AOT compilation when publishing -->

and it doesn't hurt to switch of satellites in the Presentation project, either.

That takes us from


Thursday, November 02, 2023

F# and OpenSilver v2.0

An update to the previous series of posts following the v2.0 stable release of OpenSilver.

The good news is that proper F# support in promised in the pipeline, but for now we still have to do some work.

Proceed as before, but in the F# project that inherits from the abstract C# w/XAML, a NuGet based reference to OpenSilver 2.x invokes the XAML preprocessor, and adds a file in the intermediate output directory to the compilation list. I've not found any simpler way to suppress this than by side-stepping NuGet entirely for this project

    <Reference Include="OpenSilver">

and having to manage the version.

The other thing I noticed in 2.0 was that the sense of the Y-axis seems to have changed wrt render transforms, e.g. to draw a clock face with a series of lines radiating from a centre of (120,120) like this, rotations incrementing 30 degrees at a time, the negative Y values from 1.1 needed to be positive

      X1="0" Y1="-108"
      X2="0" Y2="-100"
            <CompositeTransform Rotation="30" TranslateX="120" TranslateY="120" />

and for the clock hands, add an extra 180 degrees as well as negating the Y values (that the unlabelled 1 o'clock and 7 o'clock lines have swapped makes no odds, but the hands are important).

The resulting code for running with v2.0 can be found here. The published code comes to ~130Mb, which is a lot chunkier than 25kb of JavaScript needed to do the job, but I guess it could be possible for many apps to share the same library files.