The real goal of the last couple of exercises, creeping crabwise up on doing something in F# that's not totally trivial.
Having started with the wikipedia pseudo-code, Python was an obvious first real language; then to make it pure functional, Erlang was the obvious choice, before going to F#. And boy was that last step painful at times.
Really Erlang:Python :: F#:C# -- the first two being dynamically typed and forgiving; the other requiring dodges like nullable/option types for the "it didn't work" return cases. Those required some wrestling with the type system in the middle of the conversion from Erlang, though in the end, all the explicit argument type specifications did eventually go away.
// specialize for the torch-carrier problem
// bits 0-4 represent torch, 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m
// set bit = on the near side
// Updated to F# 11-Feb-10
// Every possible crossing of one or two
let swaps =
[3;5;9;17; 7; 11;13; 19;21;25];;
let crossing_time swap =
match swap with
| x when x > 16 -> 10
| x when x > 8 -> 5
| x when x > 4 -> 2
| _ -> 1;;
let h_score node =
crossing_time node;;
let equivalent_point x =
match x &&& 1 with
| 1 -> x
| _ -> 31^^^x;;
let rec compatible x y outlist inlist =
match inlist with
| [] -> outlist
| swap::tail when (y &&& swap) = swap ->
let newlist = (x^^^swap)::outlist
compatible x y newlist tail
| swap2::tail2 -> compatible x y outlist tail2;;
let neighbour_nodes x =
compatible x (equivalent_point x) [] swaps;;
let dist_between x y =
crossing_time (x^^^y);;
//------------ Generic A* starts here --------------
let rec reconstruct_path came_from node =
match Map.find node came_from with
| None ->
node :: []
| value ->
node :: reconstruct_path came_from value;;
let rec update x y old_f old_g old_from g_value =
let key_f = Map.containsKey y old_f
let key_g = Map.containsKey y old_g
let key_from = Map.containsKey (Some y) old_from
match (key_f, key_g, key_from) with
| (true,_,_) -> update x y (Map.remove y old_f) old_g old_from g_value
| (_,true,_) -> update x y old_f (Map.remove y old_g) old_from g_value
| (_,_,true) -> update x y old_f old_g (Map.remove (Some y) old_from) g_value
| _ ->
let new_from = Map.add (Some y) (Some x) old_from
let new_g = Map.add y g_value old_g
let new_f = Map.add y (g_value + (h_score y)) old_f // Estimated total distance from start to goal through y.
(new_f, new_g, new_from);;
let rec scan x neighbours openset closedset f g from =
match neighbours with
| [] -> (openset, f, g, from)
| y::n ->
if Set.contains y closedset then
scan x n openset closedset f g from
let g0 = Map.find x g
let trial_g = g0 + dist_between x y
if Set.contains y openset then
let old_g = Map.find y g
if trial_g < old_g then
let (new_f, new_g, new_from) = update x y f g from trial_g
scan x n openset closedset new_f new_g new_from
scan x n openset closedset f g from
let new_open = Set.add y openset
let (new_f, new_g, new_from) = update x y f g from trial_g
scan x n new_open closedset new_f new_g new_from;;
let best_step openlist score =
let choice score h best best_value =
let v = Map.find h score
match best with
| None -> ((Some h), v)
| x when Some v < Some best_value -> ((Some h), v)
| _ -> (best, best_value)
let rec best_step4 openlist score best best_value =
match openlist with
| [] -> best
| h::tail ->
let pair = choice score h best best_value
match pair with
| (next, next_value) -> best_step4 tail score next next_value
match openlist with
| [] -> None
| list ->
best_step4 list score None 0;;
let rec astar_step goal closedset openset f_score g_score came_from =
match Set.count openset with
| 0 ->
|_ ->
let l = Set.toList openset
let pt = best_step l f_score
if (Some goal) = pt then
let path = reconstruct_path came_from (Some goal)
Some path
match pt with
| None -> None
| Some x ->
let next_open = Set.remove x openset
let next_closed = Set.add x closedset
let neighbours = neighbour_nodes x
let (new_open, new_f, new_g, new_from) = scan x neighbours next_open next_closed f_score g_score came_from
astar_step goal next_closed new_open new_f new_g new_from;;
let astar start goal =
let closedset = Set.empty // The set of nodes already evaluated.
let openset = Set.add start Set.empty // The set of tentative nodes to be evaluated
let f_score = Map.add start (h_score start) Map.empty
let g_score = Map.add start 0 Map.empty
let came_from = Map.add (Some start) None Map.empty
astar_step goal closedset openset f_score g_score came_from;;
//------------ Generic A* ends here ----------------
// presentation form
let rec display swap =
let decorate value =
match value with
| "" -> value
| _ -> sprintf "+%s" value
let rec compound swap bit =
sprintf "%d%s" (crossing_time swap) (decorate (display (swap^^^bit)))
match swap with
| x when x > 16 -> compound swap 16
| x when x > 8 -> compound swap 8
| x when x > 4 -> compound swap 4
| x when x > 2 -> compound swap 2
| _ -> "";;
let print_swap swap from =
let transition = display swap
match from &&& 1 with
| 1 -> printf " %s -->\n" transition
| _ -> printf "<-- %s\n" transition;;
let rec print_result path prev time =
match path with
| [] -> time
| (Some h)::trace ->
let swap = h^^^prev
print_swap swap h
let interval = time + crossing_time(swap)
print_result trace h interval;;
let main =
match astar 31 0 with
| Some((Some h)::trace) ->
let time = print_result trace h 0
printf "Time taken = %d minutes\n" time;;
printf "----";;
The ability to nest functions is where the big changes is structure from the Erlang version show up. I could do a bit more of this -- pulling astar_step into astar, for example, or pulling compatible and equivalent_point into neighbour_nodes -- but I wouldn't want to pull too many long functions inside other ones, simply for clarity.
Also the generic engine could in all three cases be given function arguments to replace the coupling by name in these examples.
It's also annoying that calls always have to go up the source file -- smells a bit of 'C' in comparison with the customary freedom to refer back and forth as in the other implementations (or even in C# or Java) -- so that the algorithm bit is now in the middle and not at the top.
Yes, this does compile with a couple of warnings about incomplete matches in failure cases.
The two functionally complete, though still somewhat polishable, versions, F# and Erlang are mainly token-for-token copies. The real differences are consequences of the differing type systems. I have to make some explicit type specifications for the F# version -- type Graph <'a,'b>, use of Option('a) whereas on the Erlang side I don't need the former and can use pattern matching for the latter. I can also use pattern matching at the function argument level rather than using match clauses inside.
There are more differences in the half-way stages -- the F# type system needs a lot more scaffolding with explicit type declarations in the construction stages, which can be taken down when the whole system is complete (rather like building an arch).
Toggle button isn't working
Fixed. Forgot to rename the toggle function.
Cool, can u compare it in more detail? Erlang vs. F#?
The two functionally complete, though still somewhat polishable, versions, F# and Erlang are mainly token-for-token copies. The real differences are consequences of the differing type systems. I have to make some explicit type specifications for the F# version -- type Graph <'a,'b>, use of Option('a) whereas on the Erlang side I don't need the former and can use pattern matching for the latter. I can also use pattern matching at the function argument level rather than using match clauses inside.
There are more differences in the half-way stages -- the F# type system needs a lot more scaffolding with explicit type declarations in the construction stages, which can be taken down when the whole system is complete (rather like building an arch).
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