Sunday, October 02, 2011

Summer at last

So, we get the hottest days of the year at the start of October : it's like summer was put on back to front, going from warm, to April showers, to autumn, to high summer.

After clocking up to ~2705 miles in Q3 -- 800 miles in the quarter -- I took a ~40 mile spin on the bike yesterday, with lunch at the Carpenter's Arms in Gt. Wilbraham, then carrying on out past Six Mile Bottom, West Wratting, Balsham and back. With the lack of wind, and low humidity, it was a beguilingly easy ride (apart from the long grinds up out of Six Mile Bottom towards Brinkley; and from West Wratting to Balsham). So easy, that it wasn't obvious quite how much I was sweating, and thus how much I needed to rehydrate, until I finished a 75cl bottle of Lucozade Sport in pretty much one gulp.

In the evening, it was still so warm that we sat out in the garden until well after sunset, something that we never had weather for over the nominal summer.

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