Saturday, December 12, 2015

A little app for monitoring connectivity

One of the things that Windows Vista did better than the later releases was to recover network connectivity immediately when coming out of hibernation -- really, as if nothing had happened. Later releases seem to go back to square one to restart a WiFi connection -- and what is worse, there's no visual feedback from the systray icon after the initial handshake to tell when the link is actually useful.

As this can take tens of seconds, it is the biggest pain point I have with Windows X. So, finally I got around to writing a monitoring app.

I started with a simple systray application, and some sample code for using the Network Link Manager API as guidance for an F# application. I also needed to use the CoClass for instantiating an INetworkListManager in line 27 as noted here.

Then it was just a matter of adding some icons, for which I used stock images for blocked, warning and OK from the Visual Studio image library to indicate no connection, not yet usable connection and internet available. Finally StackOverflow reminded me about how to add an application icon, to make a shortcut look nicer.

So, without further ado

open System
open System.Drawing
open System.Reflection
open System.Resources
open System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes
open System.Windows.Forms
let OnExit (sender : obj) (e : EventArgs) = Application.Exit()
let FindIcon name = new Icon(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(name))
let FindString name =
ResourceManager("Resource", System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()).GetString(name)
type Connectivity() =
inherit Form()
let menu = new ContextMenu()
let icon = new NotifyIcon()
let mutable cookie = 0
let mutable icp : IConnectionPoint = null
let nlm = NetworkListManagerClass()
let full = FindIcon "Full.ico"
let partial = FindIcon "Partial.ico"
let none = FindIcon "None.ico"
let connectivity = FindString "Connectivity"
let noneText = FindString "None"
let internet = FindString "Internet"
let local = FindString "Local"
let subnet = FindString "Subnet"
let noTraffic = FindString "NoTraffic"
do menu.MenuItems.Add(FindString "Exit", EventHandler(OnExit)) |> ignore
icon.ContextMenu <- menu;
icon.Visible <- true;
override this.Dispose (isDisposing:bool) =
if isDisposing then
if icp <> null then icp.Unadvise(cookie)
icon.Icon <- null
[full; partial; none]
|> Seq.iter (fun x -> x.Dispose())
override this.OnLoad(e:EventArgs) =
this.Visible <- false // Hide form window.
this.ShowInTaskbar <- false; // Remove from taskbar.
let (state, text) = if nlm.IsConnectedToInternet then (full, internet) else (none, noneText)
icon.Icon <- state
icon.Text <- connectivity + "\r\n" + text
let nlmGuid = typeof<INetworkListManagerEvents>.GUID
let icpc = (nlm :> obj) :?> IConnectionPointContainer
icpc.FindConnectionPoint(ref nlmGuid , &icp);
icp.Advise(this, &cookie);
interface INetworkListManagerEvents with
member this.ConnectivityChanged(newConnectivity:NLM_CONNECTIVITY) =
let (state, text) = match newConnectivity with
| x when (x &&& internetMask) <>
| x when (x &&& localMask) <>
| x when (x &&& subnetMask) <>
| _ -> (partial, noTraffic)
this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(fun () -> icon.Icon <- state
icon.Text <- connectivity + "\r\n" + text
)) |> ignore
let main argv =
Application.Run(new Connectivity());
0 // return an integer exit code
view raw Connectivity.fs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Later: having slept on it, there's this simplification can be made to the OnLoad method

override this.OnLoad(e:EventArgs) =
this.Visible <- false // Hide form window.
this.ShowInTaskbar <- false; // Remove from taskbar.
(this :> INetworkListManagerEvents).ConnectivityChanged(nlm.GetConnectivity())
let nlmGuid = typeof<INetworkListManagerEvents>.GUID
let icpc = (nlm :> obj) :?> IConnectionPointContainer
icp <- icpc.FindConnectionPoint(ref nlmGuid);
cookie <- icp.Advise(this);
view raw OnLoad.fs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Later still: when I've hibernated a laptop with this program running, both times now it has come back with the WiFi connection still live, just like it used to under Vista. Even better.

Monday, November 30, 2015

November Cycling

Usual cycling round-up, with the end of the month numbers 12708.7 and 2689.7, for 160.4 + 74.4, + 2.9 off-meter or 234.8 miles total for the month, and 3867 year to date -- as a result of several patches of patches of wet, or more importantly, windy, weather where I wimped out and drove to work. The one frosty morning was actually great cycling.

That leaves 333 miles to hit the 4200 mark, which is now looking touch and go.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

October cycling

Usual cycling round-up, with the end of the month numbers 12548.3, 2615.3 and 6.1 (odo newly fitted to my folding bike), plus 136.2 on another CycleBreaks holiday, for 94.7 + 207.5 + 6.1 + 136.2 off-meter or 444.5 miles total for the month, and 3629 year to date -- so even more than last month despite patches of wet weather where I wimped out and drove to work.

With the weather set to be El Niño mild for the next month, managing the 4200 goal for the year is looking even more achievable (a few bright mornings where I feel inspired to take the long way around to work are all that I need). Have to see whether 4250 or 4300 ought to be the stretch goal.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September Cycling

Despite a few wet days, and stubbing a toe badly (fortunately coinciding), it wasn't so bad a month for cycling -- 12453.6 and 2407.8, for 142.8 + 282.8 or 425.6 miles total for the month (way more than August), and 3185 year to date, so on target for 4200 in the year. A number of fine early mornings that were too good not to take the long way around to work helped, compensating for weekends where I didn't manage to get many miles in (and a summer in general without much in the way of long leisure rides).

The long way around to work also has the advantage that there are next to no other cyclists going the same way, except for on the busway from Oakington down, so I don't have to negotiate past people going along at barely more than walking pace on bikes with wheelbarrows for the kids attached, or who come to a stop blocking paths while waiting for pelican crossings; and there's no need for guessing whether the guy in front has tried to indicate or is just a limp-wristed wossname flouncing along.

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

August cycling

Usual cycling round-up, with the end of the month numbers 12310.8 and 2125.0, for 49.3 + 192.4 + 60 off-meter or 301.7 miles total for the month, and 2760 year to date -- so down even more on last month due to generally miserable weather (culminating in typical Bank Holiday weather), and holidays including forced non-cycling days like driving to and from Southport, plus keeping the garden in check in the gaps.

Toshiba Satellite Pro error C1900101-4000D (Windows 10 upgrade fails)

Note: In the months since this post, an official update has now been issued through Windows Update, and would have reached any device with this card in the Anniversary Update, if not before.

After upgrading my wife's older Dell laptop from Win7 to WinX with no problems, I was rather taken aback that my Toshiba Satellite Pro L770 (bought just before Win8 released, to tide me over until the next version after) failed some time around the 80% mark, and rolled back. And more so when the Toshiba site indicated that my laptop was not supported for upgrade, even if the Microsoft scan gave the all OK.

Cutting a long story short, it turns out that it's the WiFi card (Qualcomm Atheros AR9002wb-1ng) which doesn't have a suitably modern driver. Disabling this from the device manager before trying again let the upgrade go through, and a generic WiFi-n low-profile dongle from Maplin which I had to hand "just worked" when I plugged it into a USB socket.

Don't re-enable the Atheros card, as that gets you into a blue-screen/re-boot loop until you can get into safe mode without networking to disable it again.

Later (12-Sep): Uninstalling the Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller device, then scanning for hardware changes and re-installing it with the latest driver already on the machine (version 9.1.401.2015 dated 4/1/2015) also deleted and reinstalled the Atheros card, leaving it enabled and not crashing the machine (while still using the dongle for WiFi).

Trying to disable or uninstall the Atheros card at this point caused me blue-screens with the same thread exception as before; but at least not immediately on start-up, so I was able to shift-Restart into safe mode, and uninstall it there. On restarting, the "new" hardware was detected, and the old 9.x.x.x driver dated some time in 2010 which previously had been claimed to be the most recent version was replaced by version, dated 10/17/2013. This was not such an improvement -- it blue-screened in familiar style when trying to disable the device.

So, once more into safe mode to disable it again, until such a time as a real WinX driver appears, if ever. Yes there is a mentioned on the unofficial Czech site, but the summary list doesn't show any WinX support, so I'm skeptical about it (especially as the device manager update function claims that I already have the latest version).

Sunday, August 16, 2015

"Getting" Functional Programming

We all know there's something to "get" -- but is it one massive "Eureka!" moment, or is it a series of smaller "Aha!" steps? I think that it's the latter, but that most functional languages drop them in your lap in one undigested lump, because I had an odd introduction to the style.

Back around the turn of the century, I encountered the famous Why Functional Programming Matters paper; and while I’m a mathematician by background, that was always in Applied -- crunching differential equations or re-casting multiple integrals as Fourier transforms -- and I simply didn't get it. How could you do anything in your programs if your variables didn't vary? Then after some years, I encountered an article -- no longer on the web, alas -- suggesting that Erlang was well placed to be the "next Java", and my curiosity was piqued.

Some while later, I spotted Joe Armstrong's Programming Erlang on the shelves of the local Borders, so picked it up; and though the syntax and conventions of the language were bizarre and alien -- very "spiky" looking -- the mystery of how you did things with immutables was dispelled in the first couple of chapters. And it was revealed to be quite mundane -- you keep your scopes small (general good practise, anyway) to avoid running out of sensible write-once names, and you recurse or use callbacks rather than iterate.

So, despite its unrelentingly immutable nature (process dictionary aside), it turned out that Erlang had a very low barrier to the program after “Hello world!” Writing non-trivial programs (a few hundred lines of networking code) that accomplished and outperformed what had taken me thousands of lines in ‘C’ was easy. Yes, there were compilation errors along the way, but those were mostly simple syntax (putting the correct punctuation marks at the ends of lines), and I debugged at run-time as usual.

Really, despite the alien syntax and strict immutability, this felt like OO in the abstract -- you send an object process a message, and it responds in a Smalltalk-esque (or even Win32 message loop-alike) fashion. First class functions were just familiar callbacks with a different name, even in cases like a transformative map over a list. Indeed so OO is the paradigm that people talked about implementing Ruby in an "object → process" style on the Erlang VM, and then actually implemented such a near-Ruby.

Then I found out that this F# language was not, but a functional language on the CLR and gave it a whirl. And I felt like an utter dunce who “didn’t get it” for months; not helped by the lack of good introductory material -- like the original Foundations of F# book, which for the newcomer was frankly terrible on account of the volume of assumed knowledge it brought along.

In hindsight, the big shift was between Erlang's dynamic type model, and the static, inferred, typing of F#; the feature that means that a program that compiles will probably also work as well. Unfortunately, that also means that you have in a sense to debug your program at this stage, which is the massively unfamiliar bit. And it's not helped when your program fails to compile with a message that's about as comprehensible as a C++ template failure -- it wasn't until F# for Scientists that I found my Wittgenstein's Ladder, a book that actually explained enough of the the types and type notations, and suddenly made sense of the bizarre arrow-filled compile failures (and API definitions).

Then, and only then, did the list-processing nature of LISP, and Haskell's mysterious monads, all suddenly become things that fall naturally out of the new style of thought. The extra constraint of type exactness is indeed what makes operations like bind to transform types a meaningful and necessary concept rather than being approached ad hoc.

The other shift, related to the debugging at compile time is that, like template metaprograming in C++, suddenly computation can happen as compilation -- a pure function with fixed compile time inputs can in principle be evaluated at that point. And where your program does take inputs, the way of looking at it approaches being an aggregation of functions where input comes in and results come out through a transformative process built of little stateless sub-transformations; rather than as a collection of stateful objects talking to each other about the input.

And at that point, I think what is being practised is functional programming.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

A cycling anniversary

Today concludes my first year logging my journeys on the Cambridgeshire Cycle Challenge website, over which span I've logged 601 journeys covering 4204 miles; supposedly 1372.0 kg CO2 saved (ignoring my increased respiration when burning the 155,532 calories it tells me I have spent doing so) and saving £989.69 on fuel (ignoring the costs of fueling me or running through consumables like chains).

The serious cases are probably all on Strava, because that performance puts me in the top few of those who use the site.

But then it's better to be a big fish in a small pond, than continuously broadcast one's recent whereabouts to the world.

Saturday, August 01, 2015

July cycling

Usual cycling round-up, with the end of the month numbers 12261.5 and 1932.6, for 162.5 + 252.2 or 414.7 miles total for the month, and 2458 year to date -- so down on last month due to generally miserable weather, and having to take advantage of what good weather there was at weekends to keep the garden under control.

Even so, all it took was a run of a few wet days for the caterpillars to devastate the new broccoli plants, some down to the stalks, while I wasn't watching.

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

June Cycling -- On the move II

Usual cycling round-up, with the end of the month numbers 12099.0 and 1680.4, for 148.5 + 310.4 or 458.9 miles total for the month, and 2044 year to date, only just short of a hoped for 2100. And that without doing any particular long excursions.

OTOH, work now having moved to the Science Park, the nicer -- as in less encounters with other road users -- routes to the office are between 1 and 5 miles longer than before, so there's been a systematic increase in my weekly mileage.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Late May holiday cycling

We took the Bank Holiday week to go down to Netley Waterside again, after a couple of year gap, and for the first time, taking the folding bike I got last spring for holiday purposes, which meant that in just an initial quick ramble I could go further in either direction than the long walks I did back then.

The weather was fine, except for a wet Friday, and generally pleasant to be out in, even if at times through an uneasy balance of sultry heat and strong breezes, as for the expedition to the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens on the Bank Holiday Monday. In fact, the weather usually exceeded expectations set by the forecasts, such that I ended up acquiring more of a tan than I'd expected.

Having forgotten to pack a map, I ended up following the National Cycle Network 2 signs a lot, filling in the gaps by dead reckoning, especially in the places where the paved surface suddenly stopped, but being hemmed in between coast and motorway, that didn't leave too much scope for getting lost -- just scope for somewhat more ups-and-downs than I needed, grinding in bottom gear, as in the sub-optimal routes through the back doubles in Bursledon, and too much main A-road for crossing the Hamble. Next time, having discovered the foot ferry on the last way back, I might be able to cut out much of the main road and hills.

Hovercraft Museum, Lee-on-Solent

Hovercraft Museum, Lee-on-Solent

Also, lacking a map, I didn't realise quite how close I came to running out of road entirely, not realising that Portsmouth Harbour was that close.

D-Day plaque

D-Day plaque at the Rising Sun, Warsash

Many of the pubs I passed on my wanderings were rather sea-sidey, but the Rising Sun at Warsash was a more traditional rural pub, that overcame the handicap of being a Greene King house, and served most excellent sandwiches. Their take on chicken bacon mayo was not the vaguely unpleasant mush by the same name that were offered as packed lunches by the Revitalise team, but a coarsely sliced chicken breast, a couple of rashers, and a pot of mayo to add to taste on doorstops from a fresh soft bloomer loaf -- washed down with a pint of Rsing Sun bitter, an excellent lunch!

On the move I

Usual cycling round-up, with the end of the month numbers 11950.5 and 1370.4, with the belated arrival of the rains eating into my cycling days, for a disappointing 50.4 + 168.2 + 78 off-meter or 296.7 miles total for the month, and 1585 year to date, making 2000 for the half year a stretch.

Also, on Saturday 16th, I put my car past the 11,000 mark, so 1000 miles in 52 weeks, and under 2^10 in the year.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

F# under the covers XV -- functions, types, and what you see isn't what you get

Consider this innocent example

open System
open System.IO
open System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap
open System.Text
let mhead(m : list<Object>) : list<Object> = [m.Head]
let addN n =
(fun x -> x + n)
let add2 = addN 2
let emitString x =
let sf = new SoapFormatter()
let sink = new MemoryStream()
sf.Serialize(sink, x)
printfn "%s" <| x.GetType().FullName
printfn "%s" <| Encoding.Default.GetString(sink.ToArray())
[ mhead :> obj; addN :> obj; add2 :> obj; emitString :> obj]
|> Seq.iter emitString
printfn "-------------------"
[ mhead :> obj; addN :> obj; add2 :> obj; emitString :> obj]
|> Seq.iter emitString;
view raw gistfile1.fs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

When run in a new interactive session, it yields (after trimming the SOAP baggage, and noting that _x002B_ would be an encoding of + and _x0040_ of @)

<a1:FSI_0002_x002B_clo_x0040_20 id="ref-1" xmlns:a1=...>

<a1:FSI_0002_x002B_clo_x0040_20-1 id="ref-1" xmlns:a1=...>

<a1:FSI_0002_x002B_add2_x0040_11 id="ref-1" xmlns:a1=...>

<a1:FSI_0002_x002B_clo_x0040_20-2 id="ref-1" xmlns:a1=...>

<a1:FSI_0002_x002B_it_x0040_25 id="ref-1" xmlns:a1=...>

<a1:FSI_0002_x002B_it_x0040_25-1 id="ref-1" xmlns:a1=...>

<a1:FSI_0002_x002B_add2_x0040_11 id="ref-1" xmlns:a1=..>

<a1:FSI_0002_x002B_it_x0040_25-2 id="ref-1" xmlns:a1=...>

val mhead : m:System.Object list -> System.Object list
val addN : n:int -> x:int -> int
val add2 : (int -> int)
val emitString : x:'a -> unit
val it : unit = ()

Where we observe that of the user input names, only add2 survives as part of the serialized name; and that the second instance of what looked like the same function is actually an instance of a different type.

Running the same code as a compiled .exe, we get

<a1:Program_x002B_clo_x0040_20 id="ref-1" xmlns:a1=...>

<a1:Program_x002B_clo_x0040_20-1 id="ref-1" xmlns:a1=...>

<a1:Program_x002B_add2_x0040_11 id="ref-1" xmlns:a1=...>

<a1:Program_x002B_clo_x0040_20-2 id="ref-1" xmlns:a1=...>

<a1:Program_x002B_clo_x0040_25-4 id="ref-1" xmlns:a1=...>

<a1:Program_x002B_clo_x0040_25-5 id="ref-1" xmlns:a1=...>

<a1:Program_x002B_add2_x0040_11 id="ref-1" xmlns:a1=...>

<a1:Program_x002B_clo_x0040_25-6 id="ref-1" xmlns:a1=...>

where the names are similar -- and now the closure add2 actually contains that 2 as part of its body.

So, what's going on? Well, let's look at what we get when we decompile.

internal static class $Program
internal static FSharpFunc<int, int> add2@11;
[DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never), DebuggerNonUserCode, CompilerGenerated]
internal static int init@;
public static void main@()
int n = 2;
$Program.add2@11 = new Program.add2@11(n);
FSharpList<object> fSharpList = FSharpList<object>.Cons(new Program.clo@20(), FSharpList<object>.Cons(new Program.clo@20-1(), FSharpList<object>.Cons(Program.add2, FSharpList<object>.Cons(new Program.clo@20-2(), FSharpList<object>.Empty))));
FSharpFunc<object, Unit> action = new Program.clo@21-3();
FSharpList<object> fSharpList2 = fSharpList;
SeqModule.Iterate<object>(action, (IEnumerable<object>)fSharpList2);
ExtraTopLevelOperators.PrintFormatLine<Unit>(new PrintfFormat<Unit, TextWriter, Unit, Unit, Unit>("-------------------"));
FSharpList<object> fSharpList3 = FSharpList<object>.Cons(new Program.clo@25-4(), FSharpList<object>.Cons(new Program.clo@25-5(), FSharpList<object>.Cons(Program.add2, FSharpList<object>.Cons(new Program.clo@25-6(), FSharpList<object>.Empty))));
FSharpFunc<object, Unit> action2 = new Program.clo@26-7();
FSharpList<object> fSharpList4 = fSharpList3;
SeqModule.Iterate<object>(action2, (IEnumerable<object>)fSharpList4);
public static class Program
internal class add2@11 : FSharpFunc<int, int>
[DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never), DebuggerNonUserCode, CompilerGenerated]
public int n;
internal add2@11(int n)
this.n = n;
public override int Invoke(int x)
return Program.addN(this.n, x);
internal class clo@20 : FSharpFunc<FSharpList<object>, FSharpList<object>>
internal clo@20()
public override FSharpList<object> Invoke(FSharpList<object> m)
return Program.mhead(m);
internal class clo@20-1 : OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<int, int, int>
internal clo@20-1()
public override int Invoke(int n, int x)
return Program.addN(n, x);
internal class clo@20-2 : FSharpFunc<object, Unit>
internal clo@20-2()
public override Unit Invoke(object x)
return null;
internal class clo@21-3 : FSharpFunc<object, Unit>
internal clo@21-3()
public override Unit Invoke(object x)
return null;
internal class clo@25-4 : FSharpFunc<FSharpList<object>, FSharpList<object>>
internal clo@25-4()
public override FSharpList<object> Invoke(FSharpList<object> m)
return Program.mhead(m);
internal class clo@25-5 : OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<int, int, int>
internal clo@25-5()
public override int Invoke(int n, int x)
return Program.addN(n, x);
internal class clo@25-6 : FSharpFunc<object, Unit>
internal clo@25-6()
public override Unit Invoke(object x)
return null;
internal class clo@26-7 : FSharpFunc<object, Unit>
internal clo@26-7()
public override Unit Invoke(object x)
return null;
public static FSharpFunc<int, int> add2
return $Program.add2@11;
public static FSharpList<object> mhead(FSharpList<object> m)
return FSharpList<object>.Cons(m.Head, FSharpList<object>.Empty);
[CompilationArgumentCounts(new int[] {1,1})]
public static int addN(int n, int x)
return x + n;
public static void emitString<a>(a x)
SoapFormatter sf = new SoapFormatter();
MemoryStream sink = new MemoryStream();
sf.Serialize(sink, x);
FSharpFunc<string, Unit> fSharpFunc = ExtraTopLevelOperators.PrintFormatLine<FSharpFunc<string, Unit>>(new PrintfFormat<FSharpFunc<string, Unit>, TextWriter, Unit, Unit, string>("%s"));
a a = x;
string fullName = a.GetType().FullName;
FSharpFunc<string, Unit> fSharpFunc2 = ExtraTopLevelOperators.PrintFormatLine<FSharpFunc<string, Unit>>(new PrintfFormat<FSharpFunc<string, Unit>, TextWriter, Unit, Unit, string>("%s"));
string @string = Encoding.Default.GetString(sink.ToArray());
view raw gistfile1.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

This is the debug version, the release version just moves the main program locals to be static members of the Program class, with no other relevant changes.

This shows us that our named functions are compiled as normal functions as we expect in C#, but the first-class function objects we pass around are actually indirections to those functions; and different ones at each site, even if they close over nothing, and so must be identical, even in the release build.

So, what does this mean?

Well, for one thing, type-needy serialization methods like DataContract aren't going to work well with functions (including lambdas inside of methods of innocent looking types), because the types are instance-unique. And deserialization is only going to be possible in the same binary as the serialization came from (or at least have the same functions on the same types, methods and line numbers), unless you do a fair bit of decompilation to provide a translation binding.

The latter is a potential pitfall -- if you implement a Windows Workflow in F#, and have objects persisted, things could work just fine within the first working version of your program; but processes that are hibernating mid-task while you're rolling out a new version can break when they wake because these secret types are no longer there by the same names.

Friday, May 08, 2015

Getting the types in an F# union type II -- the perils of relying on undocumented implementation details

Recalling this example --

open System
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let GetUnionTypes (t:Type) =
seq { yield t
if FSharpType.IsUnion t
then yield! FSharpType.GetUnionCases t
// implementation detail leaks here -- nested type name
|> (fun x -> (string t) + "+" + x.Name)
|> Type.GetType }
type expr = Num of int
| Operation of (expr * expr)
let baseType = typeof<expr>
GetUnionTypes baseType
|> Seq.iter (printfn "%A")
view raw gistfile1.fs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

It was adequate for the use case I had of it at the time; but then I tried a different union type, at which point a bug showed up

type Card = King | Queen| Jack | Spot of int;;
GetUnionTypes typeof<Card> |> Seq.iter (fun x -> printfn "%s" x.FullName);;
view raw gistfile1.fs hosted with ❤ by GitHub


System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at x)
   at Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.SeqModule.Iterate[T](FSharpFunc`2 action, IEnumerable`1 source)
   at .$FSI_0005.main@()
Stopped due to error

And, of course, that is exactly what I deserved for relying on the undocumented internals.

A quick decompilation reveals this to be because union cases that carry no data are actually concrete base type instances, bearing the tag number as data, like --

internal static readonly Program.Card _unique_King = new Program.Card(0);
view raw gistfile1.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

rather than being redundant empty subtypes.

So we need to tweak our function to be

let GetUnionTypes (t:Type) =
seq { yield t
if FSharpType.IsUnion t
then yield! FSharpType.GetUnionCases t
// implementation detail leaks here -- nested type name
|> (fun x -> Type.GetType ((string t) + "+" + x.Name))
// except when the case has no data, so there's no such class
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> x <> null) }
view raw gistfile1.fs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

and all is well. For the moment. Until the representation changes.

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Getting the types in an F# union type

This arose in the context of performing data contract serialization of a union type, and needing to feed the concrete types in as known types. As the FSharp.Reflection facilities only let you at the names of the union cases, it's necessary to rely on the secret knowledge that the union cases are implemented as nested subtypes of the abstract union type

open System
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let GetUnionTypes (t:Type) =
seq { yield t
if FSharpType.IsUnion t
then yield! FSharpType.GetUnionCases t
// implementation detail leaks here -- nested type name
|> (fun x -> (string t) + "+" + x.Name)
|> Type.GetType }
type expr = Num of int
| Operation of (expr * expr)
let baseType = typeof<expr>
GetUnionTypes baseType
|> Seq.iter (printfn "%A")
view raw gistfile1.fs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Then we can serialize objects of the union type like

open System.IO
open System.Runtime.Serialization.Json
open System.Text
let exprTypes = GetUnionTypes baseType
let ToJson<'t> (myObj:'t) =
use ms = new MemoryStream()
DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<'t>, exprTypes).WriteObject(ms, myObj)
let FromJson<'t> (jsonString:string) : 't =
use ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(jsonString))
let obj = DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<'t>, exprTypes).ReadObject(ms)
obj :?> 't
let value = Num 3
let json = ToJson value
let recovered : expr = FromJson json
val exprTypes : seq<Type>
val ToJson : myObj:'t -> string
val FromJson : jsonString:string -> 't
val value : expr = Num 3
val json : string = "{"__type":"FSI_0002.expr.Num:#","item":3}"
val recovered : expr = Num 3
view raw gistfile1.fs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

where we feed the list of types to be known to the constructor for the serializer.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

April cycling

Readings of 11900.1 and 1202.2 mean 144.7 + 262.2, a total of 406.9 miles, 1288 YTD, having cycled at least a kilometer every day this month -- #30daysofbiking. And it was only today that we really had April showers to dampen the excitement.

Friday, April 24, 2015

It's that time again, the simplistic "Who should you vote for?" quiz. At least it's not quite so out of whack as it was a decade ago, or even last time around.

Your UK Election 2015 quiz results

UK Independence
Liberal Democrat
Labour -30
Green -48

You expected: UKIP

Your result: UK Independence

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March cycling &c.

Readings of 11,755.4 and 939.98 mean 287.9 + 49.25 + 97 off meter or 434.1 miles this month, or 861 miles year to date; just over a hundred miles more than last year, though well less than a 1000 mile stretch goal.

Those 97 miles as above on the last weekend of the month -- the first day was pouring rain after Mickfield, and the last was into the wind most of the way, but at least I had a long ride on the middle day, and good hearty pub meals in between.

In flower this timeWinter lingers

This year, and 2 years ago at the same time

The month started and ended not very warm, but wet and windy; with some bursts of warm sun in between -- enough to sit outside at lunch on the 20th, after a very grey start that hid the eclipse. And enough to coax the last of last year's tomatoes to ripen as well. With tomatoes and leaf beet from the greenhouse, and then broccoli and romanescu from the vegetable patch, plenty of home harvest, along with the regular spring flowers -- and flowers on the October sowing of broad beans in patio planters as well.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

February Cycling and other notes

A short month, with snow, rain and other reasons to not stir from the house, so only up to 11,467.5, meaning 171.7 miles for the month, which is a dozen or so behind last February; but the 426.8 miles for the year to date is still 30 more than same time last year.

The slim crescent moon I saw at 06:40 on the 17th was actually less than two days before the new moon (23:49 on the 18th).

The greenhouse yielded a few belated ripe cherry-plum tomatoes, and some salad leaves, also from last year's crop.

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

January Cycling and other notes

Up to 11,295.8, meaning 255.1 miles for the month, in generally dry weather; a better total than last year's 213. February has started less promisingly; so I shall just have to see if I can stay ahead.

The mud and grime have chewed through the chain I put on at the start of December, so I got that replaced; probably need a thorough overhaul come Easter.

We finished the last of the apples from the garden by the last week of the month.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Anime — 2014 in review

Slightly earlier in the year than the previous retrospective; and slightly more to talk about.

Of the carry-over series, Gatchaman Crowds and House of Five Leaves remained stalled; but we did finish Chihayafuru 2; meanwhile the continued adaptation of Mushi-shi is one we carry forwards to this year, being about 2/3 the way through.

Chihayafuru 2 continued from where the previous series left off, through the next national tournament, but this time, rather than being a cut-off, there were a number of other plot strands introduced that left the series ending feeling rather ragged. Very much, if you liked the previous series, you'll like this.

Crunchyroll also picked up

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

which so far (the first 2.5 parts) has been a very competent adaptation of the manga -- apart from certain issues of nomenclature. For example:

... clearly pronounced "Santana".

With JoJo providing Saturday morning cartoons for much of the year, I usually wanted a B-feature, so picked at a number of other series -- Saki: the Nationals which lacks the charm of the previous series (or even the Achiga side story), starting a bit too fan-servicey, and not having anything near the level of magical girl SFX in the games. It's not helped by bringing on a whole parade of essentially disposable opponents who get partly fleshed out, but not enough to care, possibly due to the 1 cour running time. Again, like Chihayafuru, this one ended a little more raggedly than the previous series, in the gap between the preliminary stages and the semi-finals, rather than at the end of a tournament. Verdict: Mostly harmless.

I also started Hoozuki no Reitetsu, which for a Japanese comedy skit series actually manages a level of dry wit; that will probably carry on through the year as the back-up feature for the next season JoJo.

And then I also watched 2013's

Sunday Without God

a very pretty series, with an intriguing premise -- God quit fifteen years before, and the whole process of birth and death broke down, leaving the dead walking around unless settled by specially designated Gravekeepers. Ai, the main character, is one of these -- but she's unusual in that she was born after the Departure.

So there's an introductory arc, involving Ai's long lost father, and his friend Yuri Dmitriyevich (Romanized, inevitably as Julie!) that starts to explore the workings of this strange new world, followed by an arc, where they are all aboard the Mystery Machine -- the intrusion of a Yuri's VW camper van into the bucolic setting is a bit jarring -- and visit a town of the deceased, where the last human infant is kept in suspension.

So, threads have been laid and things may be happening when BAM! Japanese high-school out of nowhere (two different schools at that). And it all started so well!

I suppose, like Sora no Woto, despite the written French, the Roman aqueduct and similar furnishings, it was set in Japan all along (with an L/R misspelling being a plot point and July 14th just another school-day, it really couldn't be Provence). Such a shame, because it had had a strong and novel start, before it fell into the pit of

I also picked up Q1's Wizard Barristers, which had a reasonably strong beginning with a (MC excepted) adult cast, being a sort of magical Perry Mason set-up. Alas, it turned out less like the promise of the intro and opening few minutes, and instead of staying episodic, grew a plot, which in the next to last episode seemed to have been purchased at the expense of the entire animation budget. Notable for the lamest magical circle appearing over a city ever, compensated only a little by the sexiest diabolus ex machina (sasuga, Japan!)

JoJo took a break for Q4, so at the end of the year I was casting around for something more to watch in the dark evenings. I tried a bit of Hanasku Iroha, which generally got praise, but found myself more irritated than amused by the teenagers and the quirky cast of adults, and of the few other series that had received positive word of mouth, nothing really motivated me. So I settled for some trashy magical girl action in the form of

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya

and Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei. Now, I'd become aware of the whole Type-Moon Fate/Whatever franchise since I started browsing /a/ about a decade ago, but it had always struck me as a handful of neat ideas, buried in a whole welter of tedious chuuni nonsense; Prisma☆Illya takes the setting, sifts out the teen angst and hilariously bad ero-scenes (for the purposes of mana transfer, you understand), and replaces it with an irreverant and self-aware (Illya gets her magical girl training from watching anime) mahou shoujo set-up clearly in the post-Nanoha otaku-oriented mode.

As a consequence it veers from the light-hearted (in the day-to-day scenes) to being exactly as serious as it needs to be (in the main fights), but without damaging the suspension of disbelief. Entirely brain-off mode fluff, but entertaining fluff.

And then for Q4, the anime of the year out of nowhere, having flown stealth, by advertising itself as
and getting reactions accordingly:

so it wasn't until mid to late season that I picked up on the "and now the suffering begins" chatter (as well as the wheelchair moe), and got into

Yūki Yūna wa Yūsha de Aru

The eponymous Yūna-chan is a member of her school Hero Club (Yūsha-bu); and for half an episode, it is all about the ostensible slice-of-life business of the club -- things like entertaining small kids and finding homes for kittens, just like in the preview

until the special club app on their phones goes off, and suddenly they're projected into the Otherworld to fight existential threats, whose nature and magnitude only slowly become apparent.

If Prisma☆Illya was a post-Nanoha magical girl, then Yūki Yūna is a post-Madoka one, where the business of even being a magical girl is a fraught one; the Heroes of the Yūsha-bu are more like the Heroes of Glorantha, but in a system where mystical powers are purchased by sacrifice of more than just nebulous points of POW that can be earned back in the next quest. Indeed, I would characterise the series, in D&D terms, as clerical girl rather than magical girl, which is a refreshing change from the more usual "arcane science" or rootless "magic; I don't have to explain jack".

And it's here that the school/slice-of-life/"cute girls doing cute things" false-flagging actually benefits the series; the cute and comfy bits of normal life provide the necessary contrast for the cumulating horrors of their secret roles -- in its sentimentality, this series works, in a way that the rather mannered and sterile presentation of Puella Magi Madoka Magica failed to do, to make me care for the characters and their plight (I've also probably read too much Greg Egan to get worked up about characters executing out of an Ndoli jewel or equivalent).

The difference of approach goes even further than that -- PMMM put its Easter Eggs in the form of a substitution cipher, an abstract puzzle that mostly served to reveal the names of the Witches; YūYūYū saves its Easter Eggs for showing (sometimes in a "blink and you'll miss it" manner), not telling, what is going on and how things work, all the way up until the epilogue -- touches like one of the girls stopping to don a hachimaki in addition to her magical garb before going into final battle; things which add to the story rather than distancing the viewer from it to solve a puzzle.

Verdict -- you should watch it, you should buy it : Studio Gokumi seem to be getting an unexpected but well deserved hit out of this one, and original series (rather than yet another harem variation adaptation) like this should be encouraged.

Friday, January 23, 2015

.net Garbage Collection -- more aggressive than you expect, especially if you're used to C++

This one caught the team at work this week; after having in the past had many reports of "memory leaks" that turned out to be nothing more than the GC twiddling its thumbs while gigabytes of trash accumulated.

Symptom: Intermittent errors, in retail builds only, for some flavours of input, where threads just died; but the code looked sane.

A lot of painful debugging later got us to a method that looked like (stripped to the essentials):

public IBar CreateBar(FooBar desired)
IFoo foo = FooFactory.CreateFoo(;
return foo.CreateBar(;
view raw gistfile1.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

which looks pretty innocent.

And it works most of the time -- until foo.CreateBar doesn't return immediately. And at that point the fact that foo becomes eligible for finalization just as soon as the call to foo.CreateBar begins rises up to bite you, because you're now in a race with the GC. Notably, this is not like C++ where destruction happens only when control leaves the enclosing scope, and that is why it took a long time to figure out what was going on.

Knowing that this can happen, the point of all those odd GC related types and methods suddenly becomes apparent.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Yet another Option type for C#

Having been bitten again recently by some code which could contain null as a meaningful value, I set down and put together my own variation on this theme. Unlike the first hit I got for "c# option type", which when faced with the question of whether you could have a Just null, went with "Yes." that on the basis of an example with meaningful nulls (getting the first element if any of a sequence that might contain nulls), I'm going to say that the whole motivation for such a type is to avoid the trap of meaningful nulls, and if you occasionally need a transient Maybe<Maybe<T>>, that should represent an edge case which you'd expect to need handle with care anyway.

The constraints of the C# language mean that there isn't a perfect representation -- we need a struct to avoid any null values of the null-eliminating type, but that means we can't inherit to distinguish cases with and without value, or initialize fields, which means we have to explicitly do at runtime what we would do by virtual method calls.

Inside the struct, I just build on the well known dodge of using null-object IEnumerable-as-Maybe idea; which also allows us to access the vast number of Enumerable extension methods to augment the type. So we start out with

public struct Maybe<T> : IEquatable<Maybe<T>>
private static readonly ICollection<T> Nothing = new ReadOnlyCollection<T>(new List<T>());
private ICollection<T> enumerable;
public Maybe(T value)
this.enumerable = Nothing;
if ((object)value != null)
this.enumerable = new ReadOnlyCollection<T>(new List<T> { value });
public bool IsJust
return this.AsEnumerable.Any();
public bool IsNothing
return !this.IsJust;
public IEnumerable<T> AsEnumerable
if (this.enumerable == null)
this.enumerable = Nothing;
return this.enumerable;
where the ReadOnlyCollection is for immutability when we expose this value.
The run-time look-up hit is in the AsEnumerable, where we have to check and
maybe lazy-initialize the Nothing case every time (rather than making a
vtable branch). Now, having set up, we can extract
private T Value
return this.AsEnumerable.Single();
public bool TryGetValue(out T value)
if (this.IsJust)
value = this.Value;
return true;
value = default(T);
return false;
public T GetValueOrElse(T fallback)
if (this.IsJust)
return this.Value;
return fallback;
but having made the first functional steps, we might as well embrace
the notion and move the control flow into a method
public void ForEach(Action<T> action)
foreach (var value in this.AsEnumerable)
public void ForEachOrElse(Action<T> action, Action fallback)
if (this.IsJust)
public Maybe<T> Where(Func<T, bool> filter)
if (this.AsEnumerable.Any(filter))
return this;
return new Maybe<T>();
public Maybe<TOut> Select<TOut>(Func<T, TOut> map)
if (this.IsJust)
return new Maybe<TOut>(map(this.Value));
return new Maybe<TOut>();
public Maybe<TOut> SelectMany<TOut>(Func<T, Maybe<TOut>> map)
if (this.IsJust)
return map(this.Value);
return new Maybe<TOut>();
which latter makes this more explicitly monadic (and with the identity function,
unwraps any Maybe<Maybe<T>> intermediates). Then we have some housekeeping to do
public override bool Equals(object other)
if (other is Maybe<T>)
return this.TestEquals((Maybe<T>)other);
return false;
public bool Equals(Maybe<T> other)
return this.TestEquals(other);
public override int GetHashCode()
if (this.IsNothing)
return 0;
return this.Value.GetHashCode();
public override string ToString()
if (this.IsNothing)
return "Nothing";
return "Just " + this.Value.ToString();
private bool TestEquals(Maybe<T> other)
if (this.IsNothing != other.IsNothing)
return false;
if (this.IsNothing)
return true;
return this.Value.Equals(other.Value);
// and add a class with some auxiliary helper methods
public static class Maybe
public static Maybe<T> Nothing<T>()
return new Maybe<T>();
public static Maybe<T> Just<T>(T value)
return new Maybe<T>(value);
public static Maybe<T> ToMaybe<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
var value = source.Take(1).ToList();
return value.Count == 0 ? new Maybe<T>() : new Maybe<T>(value[0]);
public static Maybe<T> ToMaybe<T>(this Nullable<T> source) where T : struct
return source.HasValue ? new Maybe<T>(source.Value) : new Maybe<T>();
public static Nullable<T> ToNullable<T>(this Maybe<T> source) where T : struct
return source.IsJust ? new Nullable<T>(source.GetValueOrElse(default(T))) : new Nullable<T>();
public static T AsReference<T>(this Maybe<T> source) where T : class
return source.GetValueOrElse(default(T));
view raw gistfile1.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

The first two serve to move the generic from the type to the function name; then we have a series of conversions that invert or augment ones that we already have. Analogues of any further Enumerable extension methods desired can now be written in the form AsEnumerable.EnumerableExtensionMethodReturningIEnumerable().ToMaybe() -- the one that I see as most likely to see heavy use being OfType<T>() to conditionally extract the value as a subtype.