Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Q2 Cycling

Corn poppies at Duxford, 22nd June

With a short daily outdoor exercise approved, I did actually manage the 30 days of April, only getting sprinkled with rain one day, by riding round the village and part-way along the roads leading out. In a month of generally good weather, it was amazing how many families were out on bikes on similar rides too.

Winter bike only 16835.7 to 17000.8, making 165.1 miles (YTD 400.5).

May started off with a spell of cooler wetter weather, but by the time unlimited outdoor exercise was approved, it was definitely good for cycling, and a chance to build up stamina lost. Again, lots of people out on bikes -- especially on the late bank holiday, as I have never seen so many people riding on the busway. Summer bike 2216.8 to 2474.7, for 257.9 miles, the best since summer '16 which had cycle commuting and a good cycling holiday. YTD 658.4

June was even more of the same, summer bike up to 2757.5, for 282.8 miles (YTD 941.2, or about 125 miles behind last year).

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