Saturday, February 10, 2024

F# and OpenSilver v2.1

An update to the previous series of posts, just three months after the last one.

Compared to previous iterations, "it just works". The only changes from the original Silverlight code are

  • The XAML is precompiled where it stands in a new F# App project, rather than being loaded at runtime
  • The Y-coordinate related changes in the XAML and F# from 2.0 need to be applied
  • The background image is compiled as Content, and in the XAML, referred to by ImageSource="ms-appx://textured_paper.png", but is otherwise as before (note, I've change the background texture on my website in the last 15 years)

In particular, no messing about with IntermediateOutputPath, or having to create stubs for anything; as I said, "it just works".

Now it's all in one place, I've deployed a live version too.

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