Thursday, July 11, 2024

F# and OpenSilver v3.0

An update to the previous series of posts.

Having updated to the OpenSilver3.0 .vsix, the process of porting the standard astroclock test app from 2.1 to a newly minted 3.0 base solution was

  1. Add a global.json to keep the dotnet 9.0 pv SDK from being selected by default
  2. Copy the appliction source and resource files from the 2.1 project
  3. Add the extra files to the project - in this case, Computation.fs and textured_paper.png
  4. Adjust the app namespace in the browser and simulator projects
  5. And that's it.

The process was entirely transparent from the app and user experience point of view.

Only the one niggle - an obsolete code warning in the generated browser project persists from previous releases

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State	Details
Warning (active)	CS0618	'WebAssemblyJSRuntime.InvokeUnmarshalled<T0, TResult>(string, T0)' is obsolete: 'This method is obsolete. Use JSImportAttribute instead.'	astroclock.opensilver3._0.Browser	D:\Github\astroclock\astroclock.opensilver3.0\astroclock.opensilver3.0\astroclock.opensilver3._0.Browser\Interop\UnmarshalledJavaScriptExecutionHandler.cs	19		

The code lives here.

Now when life quietens down, I shall have to port my other work-in-progress project, that has been languishing for several months now, from 2.1 to 3.0 as well.

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