<pre name="code" class="erl">-module(torch). |
-export([main/0]). |
astar(Start,Goal) -> |
Closedset = sets:new(), % The set of nodes already evaluated. |
Openset = sets:add_element(Start,sets:new()), %The set of tentative nodes to be evaluated |
Fscore = dict:append(Start, h_score(Start), dict:new()), |
Gscore = dict:append(Start, 0, dict:new()), % Distance from start along optimal path. |
CameFrom = dict:append(Start, none, dict:new()), |
astar_step(Goal, Closedset, Openset, Fscore, Gscore, CameFrom). |
astar_step(Goal, Closedset, Openset, Fscore, Gscore, CameFrom) -> |
case sets:size(Openset) of |
0 -> |
failure; |
_ -> |
case best_step(sets:to_list(Openset), Fscore, none, infinity) of |
Goal -> |
reconstruct_path(CameFrom, Goal); |
X -> |
NextOpen = sets:del_element(X, Openset), |
NextClosed = sets:add_element(X, Closedset), |
Neighbours = neighbour_nodes(X), |
{NewOpen, NewF, NewG, NewFrom} = scan(X, Neighbours, NextOpen, NextClosed, Fscore, Gscore, CameFrom), |
astar_step(Goal, NextClosed, NewOpen, NewF, NewG, NewFrom) |
end |
end. |
scan(_X, [], Open, _Closed, F, G, From) -> |
{Open, F, G, From}; |
scan(X, [Y|N], Open, Closed, F, G, From) -> |
case sets:is_element(Y, Closed) of |
true -> |
scan(X, N, Open, Closed, F, G, From); |
false -> |
[G0] = dict:fetch(X, G), |
TrialG = G0 + dist_between(X,Y), |
case sets:is_element(Y, Open) of |
true -> |
[OldG] = dict:fetch(Y, G), |
case TrialG < OldG of |
true -> |
{NewF, NewG, NewFrom} = update(X, Y, F, G, From, TrialG), |
scan(X, N, Open, Closed, NewF, NewG, NewFrom); |
false -> |
scan(X, N, Open, Closed, F, G, From) |
end; |
false -> |
NewOpen = sets:add_element(Y, Open), |
{NewF, NewG, NewFrom} = update(X, Y, F, G, From, TrialG), |
scan(X, N, NewOpen, Closed, NewF, NewG, NewFrom) |
end |
end. |
update(X, Y, OldF, OldG, OldFrom, GValue) -> |
KeyF = dict:is_key(Y, OldF), |
KeyG = dict:is_key(Y, OldG), |
KeyFrom = dict:is_key(Y, OldFrom), |
case {KeyF, KeyG, KeyFrom} of |
{true, _, _} -> |
update(X, Y, dict:erase(Y, OldF), OldG, OldFrom, GValue); |
{_, true, _} -> |
update(X, Y, OldF, dict:erase(Y, OldG), OldFrom, GValue); |
{_, _, true} -> |
update(X, Y, OldF, OldG, dict:erase(Y, OldFrom), GValue); |
_ -> |
NewFrom = dict:append(Y, X, OldFrom), |
NewG = dict:append(Y, GValue, OldG), |
NewF = dict:append(Y, GValue + h_score(Y), OldF), % Estimated total distance from start to goal through y. |
{NewF, NewG, NewFrom} |
end. |
reconstruct_path(CameFrom, Node) -> |
case dict:fetch(Node, CameFrom) of |
[none] -> |
[Node]; |
[Value] -> |
[Node | reconstruct_path(CameFrom, Value)] |
end. |
best_step([H|Open], Score, none, _) -> |
[V] = dict:fetch(H, Score), |
best_step(Open, Score, H, V); |
best_step([], _Score, Best, _BestValue) -> |
Best; |
best_step([H|Open], Score, Best, BestValue) -> |
[Value] = dict:fetch(H, Score), |
case Value < BestValue of |
true -> |
best_step(Open, Score, H, Value); |
false -> |
best_step(Open, Score, Best, BestValue) |
end. |
%% specialize for the torch-carrier problem |
%% bits 0-4 represent torch, 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m |
%% set bit = on the near side |
%% Every possible crossing of one or two |
swaps() -> |
[3,5,9,17, 7, 11,13, 19,21,25]. |
crossing_time(Swap) -> |
if |
Swap band 16 > 0 -> |
10; |
Swap band 8 > 0 -> |
5; |
Swap band 4 > 0 -> |
2; |
true -> |
1 |
end. |
%% presentation form |
display(Swap) -> |
if |
Swap band 16 > 0 -> |
compound(Swap, 16); |
Swap band 8 > 0 -> |
compound(Swap, 8); |
Swap band 4 > 0 -> |
compound(Swap, 4); |
Swap band 2 > 0 -> |
compound(Swap, 2); |
true -> |
"" |
end. |
compound(Swap, Bit) -> |
string:concat( erlang:integer_to_list(crossing_time(Swap)), |
decorate(display(Swap bxor Bit))). |
decorate(Value) -> |
case string:len(Value) of |
0 -> |
Value; |
_ -> |
string:concat("+", Value) |
end. |
neighbour_nodes(X) -> |
Result = [], |
compatible(X, equivalent_point(X), Result, swaps()). |
equivalent_point(X) -> |
case X band 1 of |
1 -> |
X; |
0 -> |
31 bxor X |
end. |
compatible(_X, _Y, Outlist, []) -> |
Outlist; |
compatible(X, Y, Outlist, [Swap|Inlist]) -> |
case (Y band Swap) of |
Swap -> |
New = X bxor Swap, |
compatible(X, Y, [New|Outlist], Inlist); |
_ -> |
compatible(X, Y, Outlist, Inlist) |
end. |
dist_between(X,Y) -> |
Swap = X bxor Y, |
crossing_time(Swap). |
h_score(Node) -> |
crossing_time(Node). |
main() -> |
[H|Trace] = lists:reverse(astar(31, 0)), |
Time = print_result(Trace, H, 0), |
io:format("Time taken = ~B minutes~n", [Time]) . |
print_result([], _Prev, Time) -> |
Time; |
print_result([H|Trace], Prev, Time) -> |
Swap = H bxor Prev, |
print_swap(Swap, H band 1), |
Interval = Time + crossing_time(Swap), |
print_result(Trace, H, Interval). |
print_swap(Swap, Side) -> |
case Side of |
0 -> |
io:format( " ~s -->~n", [display(Swap)]); |
1 -> |
io:format( "<-- ~s~n", [display(Swap)]) |
end.</pre> |