Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hello WPF in IronPython

Matching the IronRuby sample

# Reference the WPF assemblies
import clr
clr.AddReferenceByName("PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35")
clr.AddReferenceByName("PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35")
import System.Windows
# Initialization Constants
Window = System.Windows.Window
Application = System.Windows.Application
Button = System.Windows.Controls.Button
StackPanel = System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel
Label = System.Windows.Controls.Label
Thickness = System.Windows.Thickness
DropShadowBitmapEffect = System.Windows.Media.Effects.DropShadowBitmapEffect
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from wpf import *
# Create window
my_window = Window()
my_window.Title = 'Welcome to IronPython'
# Create StackPanel to Layout UI elements
my_stack = StackPanel()
my_stack.Margin = Thickness(15)
my_window.Content = my_stack
# Create Button and add a Button Click event handler
my_button = Button()
my_button.Content = 'Push Me'
my_button.FontSize = 24
my_button.BitmapEffect = DropShadowBitmapEffect()
def clicker(sender, args):
# Create new label
my_message = Label()
my_message.FontSize = 48
my_message.Content = 'Welcome to IronPython!'
# Add label into stack panel of controls
my_stack.Children.Add (my_message)
my_button.Click += clicker
my_stack.Children.Add (my_button)
# Run application
my_app = Application()
my_app.Run (my_window)
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Pretty UIs are going to be dead easy to do, given that XAML just loads.

Also, memo to self -- more here

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